
closing event, sites of exchange, SPACE Gallery, Portsmouth.

You are warmly invited to the closing event of

Sites of exchange: materialising conversations 
Tuesday May 13th, 5-7pm 
Space, Eldon Building West, University of Portsmouth, PO1 2DJ
ALL WELCOME - light refreshments available 

Join the artists, Eileen White, Belinda Mitchell, Trish Bould and Kathy Oldridge, along with Dr Jane Greaves, Cosmologist (School of Physics & Astronomy, University of St Andrews) 
as they explore the exhibition, make and imagine dark matter.

 "To hold galaxies together, there needs to be 'dark matter', which we know very little about."  Dr Jane Greaves

You can contribute at any skill level, imagining through drawing, cutting, folding and stitching as well as working with crochet and knitted fabrics.

Sites of Exchange has developed over a five week period extending past dialogues and generating new ones.

Conversation takes many forms and shapes, they grow and develop through a series of improvised inputs that meander, have direction, pace and rhythm.  Exhibition making has given space for the artists to visualise, experiment, make new links and formalise new ideas and opportunities.

In particular new alliances have developed with creative writing and cosmology and new opportunities for exhibition and publication formed.

Both the developing exhibition and the methods of working have provoked analysis about the nature of conversation and research. How what might appear as  disparate thoughts can trigger new connections and shape new forms.

hope to see you there.

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