
Cumberland House Museum Flights of Fancy at Paulsgrove School, Day 3

Day 3 with Miss Campbell's class at Paulsgrove Primary School.  Everyone worked their socks off making bird sculptures.  We spent the entire day with only two short breaks, construcing paper sculptures based on original bird specimens from Cumberland House Natural History Museum.  It was a difficult but rewarding experience for the children as they had to consider many aspects such as scale, proportion, colour and texture as well as the technical aspects of making sure each bird was compact as well as strong enough to hold its shape as well as support itself and of course actually resembling their chosen bird.  There was lots of help again from the wonderful teachers and Tracy Teasdale who spent the whole day with us helping, inspiring and keeping me company.

making the bodies

Tracy Teasdale checking the bird bodies out

Adding legs

me drying the bodies after they'd been painted.

Attaching the feathers to the wings

All finished!

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